Secrets of My Southern Friends


I grew up north of the Mason-Dixon Line, in Lancaster County, PA, to be sure, but my current friends are from the South. And they have secrets to go along with their charming accents:

They . . .

1. Never, ever leave the house without makeup.

2. At pot-luck dinners, whisk away food-carrying bags the second you enter the house.  (House must be picture-perfect for guests!)

3. Have a saying, “My hair color may be fake, but my diamonds are real.”

4. May have a passport showing California (?!?) as birthplace but still able to go places.

5. Have glittery, pink stun guns for self-defense.

6. Are familiar with the address of a classy target practice – for serious weapons.

7. Call mere acquaintances either “darling” or “sweetheart” especially if they can’t remember their names.

8. Adhere to the motto: Faith, family, apple pie and Chevrolet—well, maybe a Lexus.

9. Say “Yes, ma’am” or “No, ma’am” politely even when they’re mad.

10. Remember the Civil War a different way: God bless America!


Recipe for Peach Cobbler, approved by a Georgia “Peach” friend:PeachCobbler

 Peach Cobbler Prepare first: 3 cups sliced peaches and 1 cup sugar (Mix)1 stick butter½ cup sugar3/4 cup self-rising flour

¾ cup milk

Put 1 stick of butter in a 1 ½ qt. dish and melt.Mix ½ cup sugar, ¾ cup self-rising flour and ¾ cup milk together and then pour over the melted butter.Do  Not  Stir!Pour fruit on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour

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8 thoughts on “Secrets of My Southern Friends

  1. “Like” your post, but unable to click on the ‘like’ button.  Must be a slow Saturday. Appreciate your dedication to BLOG on a regular basis.  Know it’s a time consuming commitment. 

    Loving friend,



  2. Marian, how did you learn my top ten secrets so quickly? 🙂 Love them all and really only lay claim to one or two.


  3. Very nice post! Thank you for sharing 🙂 And thanks for the invitation to your site. I am a little bit unruly at times and …looky, there goes a squirrel…somewhat distracted, but I am usually paying attention. I was reading your “about” page and I wanted you to know that I had two Mennonite girls staying on my unit in the orphanage that I spent time at in my youth. They were sisters and like night and day. The one was quite and reserved, wore her hair long and carried her Bible, and the other was a little wild woman. I am willing to bet that , like most good southern converts, you have a little of both personalities. I know I do. Glad to make your acquaintance. I really did enjoy the post. Almost all of those apply to me and I could probably add a few 🙂


  4. Marian, in reference to “Secrets of My Southern Friends,” there are a few additional names for mere acquaintances: “Honey,” “Hon,” and “Sweetie.” I enjoyed reading your reflections. Also, thanks for the peach cobbler recipe. Toni B.


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